Roleplaying Rules

  • By signing up to roleplay with VPS, you state that you are at least 18 years of age or older. 
  • By signing up to roleplay with VPS, you agree to be an "active" participant. Active means posting to Facebook as your character at least once a week. However, if you plan to be gone longer than that, please contact the admin
  • All out-of-character conversation must be kept to the OOC Chat group, Discussion Group, and direct messages ONLY. All timeline posts must be in-character. 
  • Participation in major events (i.e. the Pet Auction, etc.), group meetings and other story prompts are mandatory for all characters or specific characters involved. Times and dates will be worked out together. However, if unable to participate, please contact admin in advance. 
  • By joining this group you agree to treat all participants with respect in both their character personas and their real life persona. (Although I understand not every character will be nice to one another).
  • There is a two (2) character limit! No one may apply to be more than two characters at a time. 
  • All characters must be 18 or older. No one younger than 18 years of age will be accepted. 
  • Have good roleplaying etiquette and have fun!